The Embodied Wisdom Immersion

Balance Your Hormones Naturally, Reclaim Your Health & Thrive!

Twelve weeks of transformational live online coaching to balance your hormones naturally, create nourished health and thrive!

New dates coming soon for 2025!

Register your interest at
Simply put Embodied Wisdom in the subject line and I'll add you to the wait list.


Are you ready to reclaim a gorgeous balance in your life and your hormones, understand your body's unique health needs, improve your digestion, your sleep, your hormone balance and thrive through peri-menopause and beyond?  

Hormone imbalance can be subtle, or it can be like a sledghammer!

It is pretty obvious that something is awry with your hormones if you have flooding or your cycles stop early, hair loss, extreme migraines, or any of the gamut of menstrual issues... painful periods, fibroids, endometriosis, adenomyosis, PCOS, that too many women experience and have become common, but are NOT NORMAL.

But hormone imbalances affect many other areas of your well-being, not just your monthly cycles.

Weight gain, bloating, insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, inflammation, hot flushes, brain fog, irritability, digestive issues,
lack of joy and enthusiasm… and just feeling not yourself

You know something is not right, but you can't put your finger on what's going on.

It can feel confusing and frustrating, especially when any tests you take come back in the 'normal range', your Doctor says there is nothing wrong and all you are offered are symptomatic treatments which don't  address the root cause. 

Embodied Wisdom is for you

If you want to:

And say goodbye to:

✔️   Address the roots causes of hormone imbalance and          
        empower yourself with simple & effective habits to balance           your hormones naturally and feel great again!

✔️   Sleep deeply and feel rejuvenated each morning

✔️   Feel comfortable in your body & enjoy your weight

✔️   Have happy digestion and nourish your body

✔️   Feel grounded and calm  

✔️   Experience more stable energy

✔️   Regulate and have pain-free cycles

✔️   Create an easy, and empowering menopause and live with             ease and good health post menopause

✔️   Increase your vitality  

✔️   Live with more ease each day and spark your joy  

✔️   Have deep trust in your inner wisdom, and know how to                 respond to your body's changing needs

❌   Tossing and turning at night and feeling so tired

❌   That stubborn weight gain, especially around your belly

❌   Bloating, digestive discomfort and pain
❌   Feeling frazzled or anxious

❌   Inflamed joints, aches and pains

❌   Painful, irregular or heavy bleeding

❌   Hot flushes, dry skin, hair loss

❌   Irritability, overwhelm, or lack of joie de vie

❌   Feeling confused about what your body needs to feel                 good again

❌   Outdated beliefs that keep you stuck in old patterns and            habits that aren't serving your health and growth

❌   Overwhelm or guilt about taking care of yourself and                 establishing healthy habits.      

My digestion is great, my skin is glowing and I’m feeling a lot more energetic. The quality of my sleep is better and I’m feeling more resilient.

"It has been a real pleasure to work with Jacq. Her knowledge of women’s health and hormones is incredible. The way she blends it with Ayurvedic medicine and real whole foods whilst meeting you where you’re at is something I’d been looking for.
I love the holistic focus and having her cheer me on and celebrate my successes along the way. My digestion is great, my skin is glowing and I’m feeling a lot more energetic. The quality of my sleep is better and I’m feeling more resilient throughout the month. My periods have improved and breast tenderness disappeared. I highly recommend working with Jacq. So grateful I found you!"


The Embodied Wisdom Immersion

Balance Your Hormones Naturally, Reclaim Your Health & Thrive!

"I recommend this course to every woman!"

Since doing Embodied Wisdom my whole wellbeing has improved....I wish I had done this course 7 years ago.


What's Inside The Embodied Wisdom Immersion

  •   12 x Weekly Live Group Zoom Wisdom Sessions
  •   2 x Personal Individual 50 minute Consultations
  •   Simple and effective Embodied Practices for real results and lasting   change!
  •   Handouts and downloads to keep forever.
  •   Recorded Yoga for Hormone Balance Guided Class
  •   Private Group to support each other, share wins, and ask questions
  •   Optional Accountability buddy pairing
  •   Q & A Live sessions
  •   Guided Meditations and Breathing Practices
  •   Short videos, recipes and more in the course hub! 

Meet your coach!

Hi, I'm Jacqueline, Ayurvedic Practitioner, Women's Nourished Health Mentor and Yoga Teacher.  

For over 20 years I've helped hundreds of women to create happy digestion, nourish their nervous system, balance their hormones naturally and connect to their feminine vitality so they feel vibrant, healthy and fully alive.

I've always had a passion for educating and empowering my clients rather than just prescribing herbs or habits. I'll help you to understand your body deeply so you don’t have to look ‘out there’ for your health answers, or be confused by all the diets and fads that come and go. You can learn how to know what your body needs in the different stage of your life, trust and connect with your own inner wisdom.  

As a mum and business owner I know how easy it is to be caught of in the spin of 'busy!" For while there I forgot about my own rhythms and needs. I gave so much of myself to my kids and my clients that I ended up burned out, resulting in an early Menopause at 42!  

I experienced chronic insomnia, anxiety, weight gain, irregular cycles and the build-up came with hot flushes, crushing headaches and such irritability!  Life was a struggle.  I was in overdrive and overwhelm.

Rushing around was my default way of living....sound familiar?  

It took a panic attack for me to FINALLY realise how far I had strayed from myself, my heart and my joy, my balance and good health. It was time to stop and listen to my body, create healthy boundaries and come back to the knowledge and practices that Ayurveda and Yoga had given me, but... I had forgotten to live.        

Now, I'm over 50 and I have reclaimed my energy and zest for life again! I'm living proof that it is NOT all 'down hill' from menopause! I learned the hard way that knowledge is not enough. It is how we live, the little things we do each day that, over time, build us up or wear us down.

This happened to me…. But it doesn’t have to be your experience. You can choose to create balanced and  nourished health now and I would love to help you!


"Thanks Jacq! I've lost 6 kg and am feeling clearer and lighter."

"I feel more love for myself and have more clarity in my thoughts and decision-making.
My digestion has improved and I have more awareness of what foods my digestion needs too which is empowering!
Embodied Wisdom has given me the tools to continue living with these positive habits every day and for the rest of my life!"


 "No more hot flushes and I'm sleeping so much better!"

My menopause symptoms are no longer haunting me! No more hot flushes, and I’m sleeping so much better!  The habits you taught me are a joy to do and have made such a difference. I feel physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually happier. Thank you for your course. It was pivotal in grounding and awakening me to better health and well-being.

Inside Embodied Wisdom I'll teach you how to . . .

Befriend and Nourish Your Nervous System

Too many women are wired, tired, disconnected from their bodies, and flooded with the stress hormones.

Stress, both external and internal is a MAJOR player in hormone imbalance. It contributes to poor sleep, digestive troubles, food allergies, weak bones, weight gain, impaired cognitive thinking and decreased memory.  

Inside Embodied Wisdom we start with simple practices that will help you to befriend and regulate your nervous system, rebuild your nourishment and navigate your days with more ease.

Build a strong foundation on which to create lasting health!  

Dance With Nature's Rhythms

This module alone is truly life changing!  

One of the greatest revelations my clients often have is how simple it is to re-energise their days and balance their hormones when they align with the rhythms of nature.  

You are a part of nature. Your hormones are cyclic. Your body and hormones love living with rhythm and the cycles of nature.

Living in sync with nature's rhythms will give you super powers! It will improve your sleep, your digestion and reduce inflammation.

You'll experience more ease and less push; more balanced energy and less slumps.

Attuning with the rhythms of Nature is the pathway to thriving!

Care for your breasts, womb, and thyroid

From brain changes, to sleep patterns, to our ability to think clearly and keep our metabolism and weight stable, our hormones drive so many of our body's functions.

This week we'll unpack even more of the common causes of hormonal imbalance: from environmental toxins, to stress, the foods we eat, and even our thoughts and emotions.      

Our breasts, wombs and thyroids are the parts of our body that are most affected by imbalanced hormones.

Learn practical tips to help you to create pain free cycles, reduce PMS, reduce heavy bleeding, regulate your cycles, alleviate painful breasts and take care of your lymphatic system, your breasts, thyroids and wombs!

Understand Your Personal Blueprint

Imagine trusting the innate wisdom of your own body!  

In this module you'll learn how to deeply understand your unique physical, mental and emotional blueprint.  

With this knowledge, you’ll no longer become confused by all the conflicting health information out there, but learn how to understand and trust your body's cues.  

Imagine how good you'll feel when you are making choices that suit your individual needs for your diet, your lifestyle, and rhythms for your good health and hormone balance.

This knowledge is powerful and with it you can build a more compassionate and embodied relationship with yourself!

Embrace Deeper Self Love

Explore being radically comfortable in your own skin!

When you are you'll radiate your innate beauty and become more magnetic to attracting your desires.  

Living with inner discontent or emotional turmoil is a subtle cause of hormone imbalance.

This week's inner exploration and discussion will help you to create better boundaries and speak your needs more clearly and easily.

Our embodied practices will help you to lovingly connect with and nourish your body, support detoxification, improve circulation, help your to skin glow, build your immunity, improve your sleep, increase oxytocin and support your hormone balance!    

Bring it on!

Ignite Your Digestion

Good digestion is the foundation of creating good quality and quantity of your hormones.

When your gut digestion works well, you digest LIFE more easily and feel less overwhelmed!

With happy digestion not only do you feel good in your body, but your mind is clearer, your light of perception and discernment is stronger and your healthier choices become easier!  

Discover how to light up the intelligence of every cell in your body and detox at the same time!

Learn how to eat well for your unique body and your hormone balance.  

Learn techniques and recipes to re-kindle and strengthen your digestion, lessen food reactivity, increase your energy and regain clarity of mind.  

Your body and your hormones will love you for it!

Reawaken Your Passion and Joy

Discover and dissolve the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back from expressing your true potential and living the life you wish to be living.  

Your mind, emotions and hormones are intimately intertwined.  Your hormones are the subtle connection between your body and your spirit.

How you think and feel directly influences your hormones. Inner turmoil and dissatisfaction in your life will impact your hormones.
Integrate your shadows to create more freedom and purpose to your life and support your natural hormone balance.  

With a simple and fun exploration technique and guided meditation, you can break free of outdated thought patterns and beliefs, and express yourself freely to share your gifts with the world!

Connect with Your Source of Feminine Vitality 

Depletion and hormonal imbalance robs women of their enthusiasm and joy for life.      

This week you'll learn some fun embodied practices to connect with your source of feminine vitality, re-ignite your joy and open your heart to life!        

Learn how to anchor your energy, refill your cup from an endless source and connect with your deeper intuition.   Whether you have a womb, or it has been removed, connecting to your womb space will bring more energy, juiciness and joy to your life!    

Bring back your spark with these fun practices.    

I wish for all women to experience this inner connection and joy!  

Deepen Your Inner Connection

Modern living pulls us out of our body and into our heads too often. Being excessively in doing mode is depleting to your energy and your hormones.

Be the creatrix of your life by attending to the needs of your physical and energy body before you start ticking things off your 'to do' list.  

Instead of repeating habits just from ...well, habit, learn how to respond to your body's changing needs.

Build your self care repertoire to be full of simple and effective habits for building inner connection and nourishment so you feel less overwhelmed by the demands of life.

Set yourself up for more positivity and inner harmony each day by filling your own cup first. Your hormones will thank you for it! 

Embodied Wisdom is a blend of group coaching and personalised one on one consultations to support you in transforming your health and your life!

Each weekly module includes our 60 minute live coaching class, wisdom notes to download, a simple and effective
Embodied Practice to nourish and revitalise your body and mind, and my ongoing support in our private group.  

You'll be weaving in health giving habits gradually so you can integrate them into your life. After 12 weeks of  learning how to understand, and live in harmony with your body, you'll feel amazing!

All course materials are yours to keep...Forever.

The Investment  in yourself

three payments OF $770 aud

Save and pay in full For $2,290 aud

concession Rate $1,890
Three payments of $630

Enrollments Close 10pm ACST Friday 13th September 2024.

Reach out for a different payment plan that suits you!

Join before 10pm Sunday 8th September to receive the Earlybird bonuses of extra coaching lives and a free pass to my Seasonal Cleanse - valid for 12 months! 
Places are limited so that each woman on the course receives my
full support and attention.

I believe in this course so much that, if you do not see some positive shifts within the 2 weeks, I offer a full money back guarantee. Now that's a no risk commitment to your wellbeing!

Money Back Guarantee Terms and Conditions
To receive a full refund you must show that you have completed the first 2 weeks of the course and done the Embodied Practices. There is a short questionnaire to fill-in and return to show that you have done what is required to be eligible for a refund.

My chronic insomnia has melted away, and my overall sense of wellbeing is wonderful!

"Jacqueline is a rare gift of a practitioner.  
She has utmost intelligence, warmth, passion and humour. From her I've gained invaluable insight into my body type, nutritional needs and controlling 
the roller-coaster of menopause.  
My chronic insomnia (bane of my life!) has melted away and my overall sense of well being is wonderful. I am so grateful to have access to such a qualified and competent Ayurvedic practitioner in Adelaide. It's a delight to be in her nurturing hands!"



“ I already have a busy schedule. How much time do I need to do the course?" 

If you feel like life is too full and busy, then you definitely need this course! 💗 The key is to make life feel more spacious! 
Each live call is approximately one hour long. Each weekly embodied practice takes from 5 - 20 mins and can gradually, in an underwhelming way, be woven into your life! Your body will thank you for this love and attention! 

“I'm a practical person. Is it too woowoo?"

I love this question!
I'm a practical and a spiritual person. So, if you believe that you are more than just your physical body, that you have a soul, spirit or an energy body that infuses your physical body with life then I don't think you will find what we do too woo woo for you!

The practices involved are grounding and healing in the most efficient and practical way. Ayurveda may be an ancient science but it is so very relevant and helpful in our modern lives. Essentially Ayurveda is a science of cause and effect...of joining the dots between how you have been living and how you now feel. Embodied Wisdom will give you many simple practices and tools to bring more wisdom and wellbeing into your life. 

“What age group is this for?" 

This course is for women from approximately 35 to 55 years of age, AND for women who are experiencing hormone imbalance at any age and wish to learn how to live well to create balance now for their future health!
At approximately age 35 our progesterone starts to decline. This has major repercussions on our hormone balance. So, just as it is not the right time to start digging a well when already thirsty, when we learn how to live well for our hormone balance in the years before menopause then we are on the right track for creating an awesome experience!

“Can I join even if I'm not menopausal? 

Yes! Please see the above question and answer.   : )  

“I'm not sure if now is the right time for me to join?”

Only you can know the answer to this question. Make time to drop into stillness and silence to hear your own inner voice about what you need right now.

I do know that it is all too easy to put ourselves last and prioritise many other things over own own health. Often underlying this habit is a belief that we are not really worth this care. Or that it is selfish to put our self first.

We'll explore and bust these myths in the course and pave the way for greater self care so you can keep doing all that you love to do and keep caring for those you love, without burning yourself out in the process!

"I don’t know anything about Ayurveda, do I need to know
about it?"

Not a problem! You don't need to know a thing about Ayurveda... at all!
Along the way you'll learn some Ayurvedic philosophy and how to apply its wisdom into your life to reap huge benefits! But really, Embodied Wisdom is a course that can change your life without needing to know a single thing about Ayurveda!  

"Is it worth it?

Oh my goodness YES it is worth it!

I invite you to contemplate... how much your current state of health costing you; emotionally, physically, and mentally, in your career, parenting, and relationships? 
Do you feel guilty for snapping at your kids or partner? 
Do you feel tired when you’re at work? Are you less efficient than you would like to be? 
Is your lack of good sleep ruining your quality of life? 
Is your delicate digestion making you anxious about what to eat? 

Let’s be real about this! If not prioritising your health so far has led you to where you are now, where do you imagine you’ll be in three to six months’ time? How about a year from now? 

I know how sneakily hormonal imbalance can creep up on you. It wasn’t until I experienced anxiety, insomnia and an early menopause that I realised how far I had strayed from my truth and my health and, frankly, I don’t want you to go through that. 

Think about how easily we spend at the hairdresser, or on a new set of clothes and, as lovely as this is, the effects only last a few months. 

This course will give you the tools to understand your body better, so that you can make the right choices around upgrading your health for the rest of your life! 

Once you deepen your relationship with your body and mind, I promise there will be more ease in your life. When you can trust your body’s wisdom you’ll no longer feel confused by all the information out there. Trust your heart's wisdom.

Does your heart say Yes? 

The Embodied Wisdom Immersion helped me to recognise that I am not alone in my self-care struggles and gave me tools to easily utilise in my daily life.

"Jacq is a gem. Polished by her own process she is friendly, non judgmental and knowledgeable. Her Embodied Wisdom Immersion helped me to recognise that I am not alone in my self-care struggles and gave me tools to easily utilize in my daily life.
Understanding my body in an Ayurvedic context opened up a map in which I was able to chart some of my challenging patterns, as well as the solutions. The weekly calls assisted me in being accountable to holding a practice that I hope to continue as a habit. Thanks Jacq for such an enriching course!"


Let’s get specific. Are you a good fit for Embodied Wisdom?

  •  You want to balance your hormones naturally to enjoy life now and for your future health
  •   You believe your health is your choice and are ready to take the reins and and understand your body better
  •  You want to wholistically take care of yourself and alleviate hot flushes, brain fog, body aches and pains and other    symptoms of imbalance
  •  You don't buy the BS that Menopause is the beginning of the end and you're ready to reclaim your vitality, zest for life     and consciously design the second half your you life!
  •   You want to gain more energy and time in your day by living purposefully with the rhythms of nature
  •   You want to enjoy better digestion, feel good in your body and increase your energy
  •   You want to increase your self love and self care and experience the depth of your radiance
  •   You want clarity of mind and hit a new level of focus, purpose and mental capacity
  •   You want to experience a deeper connection with yourself so all of your relationships can grow with more joy and love!
  •   You desire to sleep soundly and build deep energy reserves
  •   You aspire to be deeply receptive to your intuition—because you know it will lead to smarter choices in your life!
  •   You don't want to do it alone and value the support of a Mentor and group dynamic!


Simply put, this course is for women who are tired of being tired and having their hormones impact their quality of life and are ready to connect to their inner wisdom, and allow their habits and health to evolve.    

12 weeks of rich content and my support will be life-changing. You truly deserve the health
and wellbeing that you desire!    

Still have questions?
Schedule a free no -obligation clarity call.
I’d love to chat.  

Your treatments and practices have helped me immensely.

"Thank you for your non judgmental approach and care. 
I feel very nurtured and am so thankful. Your prescribed treatments and practices have helped me immensely. I love the safe space you provide to talk about menopause. I know that when I am investing in living with Ayurvedic principles in my life I am healthier and happier!"


Are you ready to say yes to yourself and your future health?

Enrollments Close 10pm ACST Friday 13th September

We start Monday 16th September with our first Live Coaching Call at 7pm ACST

Join Embodied Wisdom to nourish your nervous system, support your digestion, balance your hormones, release old patterns, and enjoy a beautiful, sacred and connected relationship with yourself.

I've noticed an immediate change in my focus, decision making, and attitude to the health of my whole body.

"The Embodied Wisdom Course came to me at the perfect time. I have been in a state of exhaustion and overload for a long time and felt that my nervous system couldn’t cope anymore. 
The lessons in the course have resonated with me so much and given me the skills and understanding that I needed to slow down and listen to my body. I am loving bringing the teachings into my life and have noticed an immediate change in my focus, decision making and attitude to the health of my whole body.
Thanks Jacq."



Lovely to see you all the way down here!

As you've read this far you are probably considering the value of taking this dive into wholistic self care for your body, mind, spirit and hormones.

Have you got questions?

Feel free to email me at
Or book a free clarity call to chat personally with me, let me know what you've been experiencing, ask questions, and see if you're a good fit for Embodied Wisdom.

Enrollments Close 10pm ACST Friday 13th September

We start Monday 16th September with our first Live Coaching Call at 7pm ACST